

Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Family: A Proclamation To The World

Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. 

In 2008 we became parents.  Not like other people become parents.  There was no pregnancy, no birth, no diapers.  Our kids were 6 and 5 years old when we met them.  Below is a time line my wife wrote about our first nine days with the kids.  Every year we celebrate "9 days in July".   I remind my kids often that they are strong and courageous, that they can do anything.  I remind them that they moved in with strangers after just nine days.  Sometimes they need to be reminded that they really can do anything that they put their minds to.  That's what parents are for.  To love and encourage and to teach them.   

July 1st - We met. It's our "Metcha" day!! We met after work at their foster home. When we pulled up we called their foster mom and she had them walk outside. As I got out of the truck there they stood. We were immediately introduced as "mom" and "dad".
July 2nd - They came to our house. They were terrified of the dogs. We went to eat at La Finca.
July 3rd - They came to stay for a few days. It was the first night we tucked our kids in. We also learned Briana was a night owl. She got up and watched TV with her new dad.
July 4th - We woke up with kids! We ate at the corner doughnut shop. Then we took them to meet Grandma & Grandpa & Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins!! We were excited for them to see what a great big family they belonged to. We had homemade root beer and floats. And while driving home and seeing various firework displays in the distant the kids were in awe and Jake kept saying "look at the fire trucks".
July 5th - We had to take them back to their foster home. They weren't officially ours. We met foster mom and foster grandma at a shopping center and handed them over. Then we just sat there and cried. They had won our hearts. Our lives would never be the same. We couldn't go home to an empty house so we went to the movies. It would never be that easy to go out again.
July 6th - We went to church. Our last quiet Sunday. The last Sunday we would actually be able to pay attention to the speakers. :)
July 7th - Busy day at work. Trying to get everything done so we could take some time off. And telling everyone about our weekend!
July 8th - Visited the kids and packed up the rest of their belonging and said see ya tomorrow.
July 9th - Waited anxiously all morning for the kids and their case worker to arrive. This was our "Gotcha day". Our case worker came too. We signed our "Intent to Adopt".